The special move key combinations for character Igniz are shown in the following chat. In this chart, K means strong kick, K_l means light kick, P means strong punch, P_l light punch. and S1 means power burst. If you choose mormal key mode in the game menu, you use the mormal key mode combinations. If you choose simple key mode in the game menu, you use the simple key mode combinations.
Normal Key Mode
skill 1: ↓→+K skill 2: ↓←+K skill 3: ↓→+P skill 4: ↓←+P skill 5: →↓→+P
Super Skill 1: ↓→↓→+P Super Skill 2: ↓→↓→+K Super Skill 3: ↓→←+P_l
Potential Super Skill 1: ↓→+S1 Potential Super Skill 2: ↓←+S1
Simple Key Mode
skill 1: →+K skill 2: ←+K skill 3: →+P skill 4: ←+P skill 5: ↓→+P
Super Skill 1: P_l Super Skill 2: K_l Super Skill 3: ↓+P_l
Potential Super Skill 1: S1 Potential Super Skill 2: ←+S1
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